Walking Aids

If you’re using any walking aids, make sure you’re using the correct form by reading this article from MoveForwardPT. Then come see us at San Diego Sports Physical Therapy for more help today! Physical therapists, who are experts in restoring and improving motion, recommend that elderly adults who use canes and walkers as walking aids […]

Smart Moves for Families

Getting enough physical activity for the family will help boost energy and inspire great attitudes! MoveForwardPT suggests more exercise for the family to improve overall health. Making a commitment to be physically active is one of the best ways families can prevent or combat obesity and its consequences. Physical therapists support the Department of Health […]

Bone Health

Whether or not you know this, bone health has a lot to do with mobility! Take a look at this article from MoveForwardPT to learn more about the different aspects of bone health and how to prevent injury. Physical therapists are experts in improving and restoring mobility and play an important role in ensuring optimal […]