Physical Therapy for Shoulder Impingement & Tendonitis

Shoulder inflammation can be painful, and should be taken care of. It is common among swimmers, or sports where arm swings and shoulder rotation are used consistently. Here are a few exercises explained by Jessica Wellons in an article posted on, to help strengthen your shoulder and thus prevent shoulder impingement and tendonitis. For questions, call us at 619-756-7500!
Physical Therapy for Shoulder Impingement & Tendonitis

The rotator cuff consists of four muscles and tendons that cover the head of the humerus and attach it to the shoulder blade, or scapula. They provide stability and strength during rotational movements in the arm. Shoulder impingement refers to mechanical compression or inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons. This occurs when the space in the shoulder joints narrows and the rotator cuff tendons or bursa, lubricating sacs located over the rotator cuff, become compressed, irritated or damaged, resulting in pain, inflammation and reduced mobility. Exercises that target the rotator cuff will strengthen the surrounding muscles and tendons, improve circulation to the joint, flexibility and range of motion.

External Rotation

Stand with your back against a wall, ensuring that your torso and shoulders remain straight. Bend your right elbow to form a 90-degree angle and bring your arm across r youabdomen, remembering to keep your thumb upright and flattening your palm against your stomach. Perform an external rotation by moving your arm and forearm away from the abdomen, remembering to keep your elbow bent. Continue this external rotation until the back of your arm is flat against the wall. Hold this position for five seconds and rotate your arm back to the starting position. Perform one set of 10 repetitions on both arms, once daily.

Supraspinatus Stretch

You will need two dumbbells to perform this exercise. Standing upright, holding a dumbbell in each hand with thumbs pointing down. While keeping your elbows straight, slowly bring your arms outward to form a 45-degree angle. Hold this position for five seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 20 repetitions, once daily to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the rotator cuff, thus stabilizing the shoulders and restoring mobility.

Triceps Stretch

Stand upright and bend your right elbow to form a 90-degree angle. Raise your right hand so that your forearm forms a 90-degree with your shoulder and place your opposite hand over your elbow. Using your left hand, grab the opposite elbow and gently pull that arm down behind your head. Continue this gentle pull until you feel a stretch in your shoulders. Hold this stretch for five seconds and relax. Perform one set of 10 repetitions on both arms, two to three times daily to stretch the tendons and joints in the shoulder and help restore your range of motion.

Scapular Squeezes

Lie on your back and bend both knees. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and extend your arms away from your body, with palms up. While maintaining contact between the ground and your lower back, begin squeezing your shoulder blades together, downward and toward your spine. While performing this exercise, try to not shrug your shoulders and remember to relax your neck. As your perform this exercise, the lower muscles between your scapula should be contracting. Hold each shoulder blade squeeze for five seconds and relax. Perform one set of 20 repetitions three times a day to strengthen the muscles in the shoulders and prevent further injury.

Skip the Running: Alternatives to High-Impact Exercises

When it’s time to get back into the gym, running always appears to be one of the best forms of cardio. However, it get be very stressful on your joints. Adrienne Santos-Longhurst gives us some great cardio alternatives in this article posted on For additional questions, give us a call at 619-756-7500!

Give your joints a rest and test your meddle with these high-intensity/low-impact alternatives—not for beginners.
Written by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst
Medically Reviewed on June 5, 2013 by George Krucik, MD, MBA

Those who have felt the proverbial “runner’s high” will tell you that there’s no other activity that even compares to running. As intoxicating as a hard run can be, running can take a toll on your joints even if you’re in tip-top shape. Finding alternatives to running will help keep you active while giving your joints a much-needed break. According to a 1994 study conducted by the Exercise Science Unit at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, cross-training is highly beneficial to your overall health and an effective alternative for athletes who are taking a break because of physical injury, overtraining, or fatigue.
Whether you’re in need of some recovery time from an injury or just looking for high-impact alternatives to mix things up and give your joints a break from the pavement pounding, these alternatives to running fit the bill.

Cycling offers runners the perfect alternative to running. Just like running, cycling can be enjoyed indoors or out thanks to stationary bikes and bike trainers. Cycling allows you to maintain and improve your fitness but without the same stress on your joints and shins. Hop onto a road bike, a stationary bike at home or at the gym, or try an advanced Spin class for a high-intensity workout that just might offer runners a new kind of high.

The Elliptical Trainer
Love it or hate it, the elliptical trainer offers an excellent training alternative for runners who are injured or looking to rest their joints. Elliptical machines allow you to mimic the motion of running, and though a weight-bearing activity, it is low-impact for your joints so that you can get a workout comparable to jogging with less impact on your joints and no knee pain, according to Mayo Clinic physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Edward R. Laskowski, MD. Focusing on motions that are as similar as possible to your usual running form and sticking to a similar training schedule will help you make the most of this activity and maintain your fitness level.

Water Running
Runners who need a change but are reluctant to try anything other than running are likely to find water running, which is also referred to as pool running, to be a good compromise. Just as the name suggests, water running is performed by running in water, often the deep end of a swimming pool. This great alternative to running lets you enjoy the benefits that come from the motion of running without any impact on your joints. To get the most out of pool running, focus on your form, staying consistent with your regular running motion. Following a training schedule similar to your running one will also help you get the most from this unique alternative while still allowing your joints a break.

Contrary to popular belief that walking isn’t nearly as good a workout as running; walking is in fact an effective alternative for runners who want the same health benefits but without the impact on their joints. A study published by the American Heart Association in their journal, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, found that walking was just as effective as running in lowering the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol. The key is to walk for twice as long as you would run in order to get the same benefits as you would from running. Along with the health benefits, you also get to enjoy the fresh air and scenery that makes running so appealing.

Step Aerobics
Taking a step aerobics class or working out to a step video offers a high-intensity and low-impact workout that is easier on the joints than running but still effective in improving muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. A 2006 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that step exercise offers a workout with a biomechanical load that falls between what you would get from walking and running. The key is to perform the moves properly and safely to avoid injury.

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Kenneth Hutto gives a few exercises to help with upper arm issues. We are constantly using and moving our arms, so that movement can take a toll on the muscles. Try these exercises, and then come visit us at San Diego Sports Physical Therapy for more exercises.

Rotator cuff injuries account for over half of the total reported shoulder problems in the US.

According to AAOS, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 7.5 million people saw their doctor for a shoulder problem in 2006. AAOS points out that upper extremity problems can be caused by anything from playing sports to simply doing household tasks like washing walls. If you report shoulder pain to your doctor, you are likely to be referred to a physical therapist for treatment. Want to improve your health? Learn more about LIVESTRONG.COM’s nutrition and fitness program!
If you are experiencing pain, a physical therapist will often prescribe assisted exercises for your arms first. The exercise is “assisted” because you will use the one arm to move the other through a comfortable range of motion. This allows your shoulder to move freely without stressing your muscles, tendons or ligaments. To go through assisted shoulder flexion, find a dowel that is roughly three feet long and hold it in your right hand at one end; with your other hand, grasp the dowel in the center. Relax your right shoulder and allow your left arm to push it straight in front of your body through a pain-free range of motion. Repeat for the opposite arm.

Isometric exercises are used by physical therapists to begin strengthening the muscles of your upper arm. During an isometric exercise you will contract the muscle you are targeting without moving any joints. According to the “Journal of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy,” strength in the external rotators of your shoulders is extremely important in the rehabilitation of upper arm injuries. To strengthen your external rotators, stand so your shoulder and the length of your arm are touching a wall. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees while keeping the arm against the wall. Press into the wall with the back your hand — concentrate on your shoulder acting as a hinge so the pressure is on your hand, not your elbow. Hold the contraction for five seconds, rest and repeat 10 times on each arm.

Active exercises involve contracting your muscles to move joints through a range of motion. Weak elbow flexors in your upper arm could lead to shoulder injury. To strengthen your elbow flexors actively, sit or stand with your elbows straight and your palms facing forward. Lift your hands up to your shoulders and slowly lower them to your sides. If this motion is easy, hold a light dumbbell in each hand. You can lift both arms at the same time or one at a time. Begin with three sets of 10.

Stretching muscles in addition to strengthening them is very important for the function of your upper extremities. To stretch your elbow flexors, sit on the floor or on top of a mat with your arms behind you — your palms should be touching the floor with your fingers pointing away from your body. Scoot your hips forward so they are further away from your hands; you should feel a stretch in your biceps. When you feel a light stretch, hold the position for 30 seconds, rest and repeat three times.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Common Shoulder Injuries Brigham and Women’s: Total Shoulder Arthroplasty / Hemiarthroplasty Protocol Journal of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy: Concentric Isokinetic Shoulder Internal and External Rotation Baseball Pitchers American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Shoulder Surgery Exercise Guide Sloan-Kettering: Upper Extremity Exercise Program
Article reviewed by Manisha Parmar Last updated on: Oct 21, 2013

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