Has your child experienced an injuries recently? Pediatric Physical therapy may be a good option for you and your child! Stephanie Romo from Livestrong shares how physical therapy is beneficial.

Physical therapy may help pediatric patients gain functional independence.

Pediatric physical therapy can be beneficial for children with injuries or other physical limitations. This type of therapy encourages children to engage in play and activities of daily living to promote balance, coordination, and fine and gross motor skills. The goal of these therapeutic activities is to encourage improvement in development and greater functional independence. Want to improve your health? Learn more about LIVESTRONG.COM’s nutrition and fitness program!

One important goal of pediatric physical therapy is to improve development, and there are a number of activities that encourage developmental milestones to occur. Children typically learn best through playing, and many pediatric physical therapists recommend therapeutic activities that involve play. Activities such as crawling, walking, skipping, running, and utilizing playground equipment are all examples of therapeutic activities involving play. These types of activities help to encourage children to coordinate the use of large muscle groups to move about independently.

Balance and coordination are two important components of physical independence that can be improved through physical therapy. Hand-eye coordination is something that children can learn by playing catch, rolling a ball or drawing a picture. For babies and young toddlers, learning to feed themselves with utensils is a great way to encourage hand-eye coordination. Balance can be improved through activities that involve the vestibular system, such as walking on a balance beam or learning to ride a bicycle.
Fine motor skills involve the usage of small muscles, particularly those in the hands, fingers, feet and toes. Activities that encourage these types of skills include sorting small objects, painting and molding clay. Gross motor skills include activities that encourage larger muscle groups, such as swimming, riding a bike and jumping on a trampoline. Range of motion is an important part of gross motor development, and pediatric physical therapy will usually include stretches to encourage joint and muscle mobility.
When your child is participating in a physical therapy program, most of the activities and learning take place in the child’s natural environment, such as home or school. Encouraging your child to participate in normal daily activities can help her reach milestones, improve self-esteem and gain independence. Try involving your child in meal preparation, ask for her help with cleaning the house and let her assist at the grocery store. Each of these tasks involves physical and cognitive elements, which will help children improve both functional and mental ability.

American Physical Therapy Association: The ABCs of Pediatric Physical Therapy
Article reviewed by Matt Olberding Last updated on: Sep 2, 2011

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