Progress or Plateaus

Most people will encounter plateaus at some point during a consistent training program. Learn more about what plateaus are and what to do when they arise in this article written by Jeff Gilliam, PhD, PT and published on For more questions call us 619-756-7500!   So often we see such great progress as we […]

Smart Moves for Families

Getting enough physical activity for the family will help boost energy and inspire great attitudes! MoveForwardPT suggests more exercise for the family to improve overall health. Making a commitment to be physically active is one of the best ways families can prevent or combat obesity and its consequences. Physical therapists support the Department of Health […]


Desiree McKenzie from Livestrong shows us exercises to help with your posture and back muscles. IF you sit at a desk all day, these exercises may be especially beneficial for you! Healthy back muscles leads to healthy posture. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles lead to better posture. A slumped posture not only limits the […]