Protect the Lower Body by Working the Core

You can work your core a lot, but make sure you perform exercises properly to avoid injury! If you experience any pain, come see us at San Diego Sports Physical Therapy – 619.756.7500 What are the first things you think of when you hear someone talk about working the “core”? Crunches Sit-ups Abs The list […]


Desiree McKenzie from Livestrong shows us exercises to help with your posture and back muscles. IF you sit at a desk all day, these exercises may be especially beneficial for you! Healthy back muscles leads to healthy posture. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles lead to better posture. A slumped posture not only limits the […]

9 Tips to Perfect Your Walking Form

Perfect form is key to avoiding pain and injuries! Read this article from ACE Fitness by Michele Stanten about good walking form. Good posture will make it easier to go the distance. Here are some posture pointers for stronger striding during your next walk. Tip #1: Stand up tall. Imagine that a wire attached to […]