
Summer is one of the prime times for gardening, especially fruits and veggies. Although it may be relaxing, it can take a toll on your muscles and joints. Take a look at this article featured on MoveFowardPT, and then come visit us at San Diego Sports Physical Therapy if you experience pain or discomfort.

Common gardening tasks, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching and raking can cause stress and strain on muscles and joints, especially for seniors or those who are normally sedentary. The shoulders, back, neck and knees are prime targets. Following these tips can help you minimize the risk of injury:

Warm up before you begin. Get your heart rate up by taking a 10-minute walk followed by some stretches for your upper and lower back, neck, arms and legs. Roll your shoulders back in a circular motion and slowly move your head from side to side a few times to loosen up.
Don’t over do it. Be mindful of how the body feels. If you experience an aching back or neck, slow down and stretch or stop and switch to a different task.
Use a garden cart or wheelbarrow to move tools and heavy planting materials.Don’t kneel on both knees. Keep one foot on the ground to give your back more stability. If you have to kneel use knee pads or a pillow to absorb some of the pressure.
Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping.
Practice proper body mechanics. Bend at your knees when you grab something or pull a weed, bend your knees and contract your abdominal muscles to avoid straining your back.
End your gardening session with a short walk or some light stretching. Take a warm bath or shower to help prevent next-day soreness.
If you experience pain, contact your physical therapist.