You’re on your feet all day, so it’s nice to give them a break once in a while. Here are some physical therapy exercises by James Patterson to help rehab your feet. Then come visit us at San Diego Sports Physical Therapy for more exercises.

Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the plantar fascia — a band of tissue running from the heel to the ball of the foot — becomes inflamed through overuse, injury or other trauma. Certain physical therapy exercises may be beneficial in easing the pain associated with plantar fasciitis so you can get back to doing the things you’re used to.
Physical therapy exercises can prove useful not only for reducing plantar fasciitis pain but also from preventing it from coming back in the future. Stretching helps warm up the tissue as well as encourages blood flow to the area, which can help prevent strains and tears in the tissue.

The most simple and common way to exercise the tissue of the plantar fascia in order to prevent or lessen the effects of plantar fasciitis is through a simple stretch. Start by facing a wall or other sturdy object you can brace yourself against. Put both hands on the wall and step forward with your left foot. Keep your right foot back and flat on the ground. Bend your right knee so your leg moves towards the wall, but keep your right foot flat. You will begin to feel a stretch in your right heel. Hold this stretch for 10 to 15 seconds. Switch feet and do the same stretch for your left heel. Stretch each heel two or three times each as part of your physical therapy exercise routine.
The ball roll helps soften and relax the plantar fasciitis tissue and can be done while sitting down to the computer or watching TV. Find a small ball the size of a tennis ball. Place it on the floor and put your foot on top of it. Slowly roll the ball along the arch of your foot and your heel. Apply downward pressure on the ball to increase the massage effect on your plantar fasciitis. Perform the ball roll for 30 seconds at a time, stopping in between to let your foot rest.
Another effective exercise that helps stretch out the plantar fascia, the stair dip only requires the use of a stair or other elevated surface such as a curb. Stand with one foot on the step and the other in the air. Place your foot so your toes are on the step, with the rest of the foot hanging off the edge. Use your toes to lift your body up so you’re on the tiptoes of your foot. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then lower your body back down so the heel of your foot is slightly below the edge of the step. Hold for another 10 seconds. Repeat three to four times as part of your exercise.
If you have a serious injury to your plantar fascia or Achilles tendon, these exercises may cause extreme case. If that is that case, contact your doctor immediately, who may need to examine you for more serious injury that might require further therapy or even surgery.

Sports Injury Clinic: Stretching for Plantar Fasciitis
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs
Family Doctor: Plantar Fasciitis