Falls in Senior Population: Can We Prevent Them?

30% of people over the age of 65 years fall 1 or more times in a year. Falls are the leading cause of death from injury in elderly adults. In 2003, 13,700 people died from falls. A fall is defined as an event that results in a person coming to rest unintentionally on the ground or on a lower level but not caused by an internal trauma (e.g. stroke). Intrinsic risk factors include: Medical Condition, Cognition, Psychosocial, Sensory, Central Processing, and Musculoskeletal.

Medical risk factors include: Co-morbidities (Pulmonary Disease, MS, Prolonged bed rest, Stroke, Diabetes) and Polypharmacy (overmedicated). It has been documented that 4 or more prescribed medications significantly increases risk for falls. Meds used to treat hypertension, heart disease, and depression may cause dizziness. Cognition which includes safety awareness, attention, and judgment combined with Psychosocial (depression, anxiety) attributes can also greatly affect fall risk. Central Processing concerns area of: limits of stability, reaction time, anticipatory reactions, and postural Stability.  Sensory Loss is quite evident in a majority of falls and will encompass losses in one or all of the following: Vision, Vestibular, and Somatosensory (impaired position sense). Musculoskeletal deficits include: Losses in Strength, flexibility, endurance, and postural alignment; Gait (decreased step length, increased step frequency, decreased speed, and increased lateral sway); and Coordination (ability to change directions).

Extrinsic factors include: Environment, Social, History of Falls, and Activity level. History of falls is especially relevant if history of: 1 or more falls in a year, falling indoors, or an inability to get up after fall. Exercises to Prevent Falls include: Tai Chi, Individualized multidimensional exercise program and Exercise in physical therapy sessions with appropriate home exercises will decrease risk for falls and improve Mobility Assessment scores. Loss of balance and falls could be prevented with seniors if adults take measures to protect themselves, much as they do against health conditions such as heart disease. An assessment and treatment by a Licensed Physical Therapist is the obvious choice in obtaining this protection. Loss of balance and limitations in mobility can be effectively prevented, reversed, or delayed by physical therapy treatments. A comprehensive balance assessment performed by a physical therapist can determine the factors as above that are contributing to an individual’s fall risk. A physical therapist plan of care will include exercises to improve strength, aerobic capacity, flexibility, proper gait, and the function of the vestibular system. Balance training and fear management will also be addressed.


For more information on the physical therapist’s role in preventing falls contact:

Greg Sterner, Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist in Physical Therapy, Owner

San Diego Sports Physical Therapy

2750 Dewey Rd. Ste 101

San Diego, CA 92106

Walking Aids

If you’re using any walking aids, make sure you’re using the correct form by reading this article from MoveForwardPT. Then come see us at San Diego Sports Physical Therapy for more help today!

Physical therapists, who are experts in restoring and improving motion, recommend that elderly adults who use canes and walkers as walking aids be properly assessed and fitted by a physical therapist to avoid fall-related injuries.

With emergency rooms experiencing 47,000 fall-related visits annually from senior citizens due to improper use and fit of walking aids*, assessment by a physical therapist can help reduce the number of these dangerous incidents by ensuring appropriateness and proper fit of the walking device.

Tips for Using Walkers and Canes:

The walker or cane should be about the height of your wrists when your arms are at your sides.
When using a walker, your arms should be slightly bent when holding on, but you shouldn’t have to bend forward at the waist to reach it.
Periodically check the rubber tips at the bottom of the cane or walker. Be sure to replace them if they are uneven or worn through.
Physical therapists also advise against borrowing walking aids from friends and family. This often leads to improper fit and misuse, and can result in further injury. Your physical therapist can also evaluate your walking aid and determine if it is in proper working condition.

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