Has your child experienced an injuries recently? Pediatric Physical therapy may be a good option for you and your child! Stephanie Romo from Livestrong shares how physical therapy is beneficial. Physical therapy may help pediatric patients gain functional independence. Pediatric physical therapy can be beneficial for children with injuries or other physical limitations. This type […]

Preventing Knee Pain

Knee Pain This simple trick from Canyon Ranch physical therapist Dr. Yaov Suprun is so easy! Just do it a few times a day to alleviate that pain you feel in your knees when you stand up, run, or do lunges. From

A Guide to Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is the worst. But there is a simple move you could do to help relieve your discomfort. Physical therapist Dr. Yoav Suprun from Canyon Ranch in Miami, FL explains exactly why lower back pain happens and how you can stop it. From